Stepwise Process for Improving the Quality of HIV Rapid and Recency Testing (SPI-RRT)

SPI-RRT Checklist and Dashboard

To assist national programs and promote consistency in the application of quality management systems, a standard tool, the Stepwise Process for Improving the Quality of HIV Rapid and Recency Testing (SPI-RRT) checklist has been developed for testing site audits. The SPI-RRT checklist sets minimum standards for all HIV RT/RTRI testing points and provides a continuous quality improvement (CQI) process which enables heads of testing sites and facilities to recognize quality gaps and shortcomings, identify areas for improvement and where additional resources may be needed to achieve national site certification.

What is ODK?

ODK is open-source software for collecting, managing, and using data in resource-constrained environments. ODK allows for offline data collection with Android mobile devices in remote areas. The submission of the data to a server can be performed, when Internet connectivity is available.

Key components of the ODK Platform

ODK Collect

ODK Collect is a free and open source Android application available to download from the Google Play Store. This app is used for data collection and can be used offline in remote areas without internet connectivity.
Download ODK Collect App from Google Play Store

ODK Central Server

The ODK Central is the backend of ODK infrastructure, receiving the data from the mobile devices. It manages user accounts and permissions, stores form definitions, and allows data collection clients like ODK Collect to connect to it for form download and submission upload.
Instructions on installing ODK Central

Training Guides & Technical Resources

Click here to view the list of available resources for Download.

Online Demo

Take SPI-RRT Dashboard for a spin and see how it works

(Click image to enlarge)
ODK Central Flow - SPI RRT

SPI-RRT Dashboard

SPI-RRT Dashboard is a free and open-source web application used to take the aggregated data and present them in various useful charts and reports.

  Download from Github

SPI-RRT Data Collection and Dashboard Workflow

  1. Download a questionnaire for data collection, which is available for offline use
  2. Collect the data, even if device is offline
  3. Submit collected data to ODK Central
  4. Data from ODK Central is automatically pulled into SPI-RRT Dashboard
  5. Users can now log on the SPI-RRT Dashboard to view and download reports

Frequently Asked Questions

SPI-RRT Dashboard is a web based software application, used to view and download reports based on SPI-RRT Checklist data collected.

ODK Central software provides the SPI-RRT surveillance data in csv format which is not adequete to provide an overview of the data collected. The SPI-RRT Dashboard solves that problem by providing useful charts and reports based on the ODK Central data.

There is no cost involved in procuring the SPI-RRT Dashboard or ODK Platform. These are free and open-source software that are available for everyone to use. Depending on how and where you choose to host this web based application, there may be fees associated with web hosting.

This tool is being piloted in a few countries at the moment. This section will be updated as we have additional information on this.

There are various guides and technical documents available under the downloads section. Click here to view the available downloads.

There is a live online demo available to test drive this application. Click here for details on the Online Demo.

Please send an email with your queries or feedback to

Technical Questions

SPI-RRT Dashboard is a web based software application developed using PHP language and MySQL database.

Web Server Apache2
Database MySQL 5+
PHP PHP 7.2+
Operating System Windows/Linux (Ubuntu recommended)
Disk Space Min. 1 GB (recommended to have at least 5 to 10 GB)
Server RAM Min. 2 GB (recommended to have at least 4 to 8 GB)

Please send an email with your queries or feedback to

Please send an email with your queries or feedback to


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