eHTS Logbook Register

The HTS Register is a critical tool in the management and delivery of HIV Testing Services (HTS). It serves as a comprehensive database for recording information about individuals who undergo HIV testing, the results of these tests, and any follow-up actions taken. This register is crucial for several reasons:

Enhanced Tracking and Reporting

By meticulously recording data related to HIV testing, the HTS Register enables healthcare providers to track the spread of the virus more accurately, identify patterns, and respond effectively. It supports the reporting needs of healthcare facilities, allowing them to meet local and national health department requirements.

Improved Quality of Care

The data collected in the HTS Register aids in evaluating the quality of HIV testing services provided. It helps identify areas for improvement, ensuring that individuals receive accurate, timely, and respectful testing services.

Support for Affected Individuals

For those who test positive, the HTS Register ensures they are promptly linked to necessary care and treatment services. This seamless connection between testing and care is vital for the health and well-being of individuals living with HIV.

Data-Driven Decision Making

The aggregated data from the HTS Register supports public health officials and policymakers in making informed decisions regarding HIV prevention and treatment strategies. It provides a clear picture of the HIV epidemic's landscape, helping to allocate resources efficiently and design targeted interventions.

The success of the HTS Register relies on the collaboration between individuals getting tested, healthcare providers, data managers, and public health officials. Together, they ensure that the data is accurate, confidential, and used effectively to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The HTS Register is more than just a database; it's a lifeline that connects individuals to the care and support they need, while also powering the global fight against HIV.

The HTS Register plays a pivotal role in the global effort to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS. By providing a robust mechanism for recording and analyzing data related to HIV testing, it supports the delivery of high-quality testing services, ensures affected individuals receive the care they need, and informs strategies to combat the HIV epidemic. It exemplifies how data-driven approaches can improve health outcomes and enhance the quality of life for people around the world.

Objectives of eHTS Register tool

  • Create a central data repository of HTS Data Resgister from sites across the country.
  • Generate reports for monitoring and evaluation of HIV testing services.
  • Historical data for trend analysis and forecasting.

Online Demo

Take the eHTS Logbook Register Tool for a spin and see how it works

Frequently Asked Questions

eHTS Logbook register is a Free and open-source, Web-based data collection and reporting tool for Monthly HIV Logbook Register.

The eHTS Logbook Register helps the HIV Program with a few key things:

  • Data Organization
  • Removing dependency on paper trails
  • Historical Data
  • Reports

This tool is being piloted in a few countries at the moment. This section will be updated as we have additional information on this.

There are various guides and technical documents available under the downloads section. Click here to view the available downloads.

There is a live online demo available to test drive this application. Click here for details on the Online Demo.

Please send an email with your queries or feedback to

There is no cost involved in procuring the eHTS Logbook Register tool. It is a free and open-source software that is available for everyone to use. Depending on how and where you choose to host this web based application, there may be fees associated with web hosting.

Technical Questions

eHTS Logbook Register is a web based software application developed using PHP language and MySQL database.

Web Server Apache2
Database MySQL 5+
PHP PHP 7.2+
Operating System Windows/Linux (Ubuntu recommended)
Disk Space Min. 1 GB (recommended to have at least 5 to 10 GB)
Server RAM Min. 2 GB (recommended to have at least 4 to 8 GB)

Please send an email with your queries or feedback to

Please send an email with your queries or feedback to


What eHTS Logbook Regsiter users say